I keep hearing people say that the perfect man will come along. I'm 32 with no prospects, no close friends, and what makes me cry the most is that God doesn't make mistakes.
It's not rare for people to walk into my life become my friend or companion and then leave just as fast as they walked in but with no desire to be a part of my life any longer. It keeps me insecure because it happens way too often. I am not perfect so I know it's not their fault; it's my own. I just wish someone would talk to me and help me be a better person that someone...anyone...would want to spend time with.
God doesn't make mistakes! He created me to have a love language of quality time. Interesting since He created me that way and then made sure that no one filled that desire consistently.
It's confusing and it hurts but it will all be ok. My life may be lonely and miserable with no one to share it with but I plan to live this life of misery for my Savior Jesus Christ if that is His plan for my life. I don't understand it at all but my life belongs to Him and it's not really mine to understand and I probably never will.